Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What is the best way to break a really crappy report card to your parents?

I normally do good in school but this time my grades sucked. How do i tell my parents. I have to get it signed and return it to school. What should i do without forging the signature?What is the best way to break a really crappy report card to your parents?
You shouldn't put it off. Just catch them in the best mood possible, and tell them that you are very disappointed in yourself before you hand it to them. Be genuine with them, and try to understand when you catch hell. Tell them your plan to bring up your grades, ie: more studying, extra credit, and extra help from teachers. Stick to the plan and show them you are serious. Doesn't sound fun does it, but you know you can do better.What is the best way to break a really crappy report card to your parents?
Just be honest and show them the card what ever you do don't lie to them and forge their signature, They will never trust you again when they find out.

Trust me they may be a little disapointed with you for making a bad report card this go around but forging their signature is dishonest and I am sure that you in your hearts of hearts reall want to be honest with them, don't be afraid to tell them the truth just show them the card, and make them a promise that next time the card will be better.
tell your parents there is always a first time to everything and then just show it they should understand
blame it on add or a bully or sumthing. what ever you do, lie. who knows, with all the ';problems'; your havin in your life, they might buy you sumthin!
If this is really your first time bringing home a ';crappy'; report card, I dont think you have to much to worry about. If you dont understand why you did poorly, your parents are a good place to start. They've been to school and do know how it is. Most kids seem to forget that just because we adults are old, we were nerver kids, or that we dont remember. Give them a chance. Talk to them.
Just throw it at them, let them yell at you....then they will sign it.
Think, what would Bart Simpson do. He'd tell your parents to eat his shorts.
suck it a man
Be a man and just show it to them...don't waste your time by trying to find ways to get around it.
Clean the whole house.....yes the toilet too, cook em supper and explain yourself.........refuse gifts etc til your grades come up!
tell them you have been really stressed lately because there has been alot of fights at your school or tell them you thought you did good
Wow that really is a tough one. I don't think there is a way except by being honest with them. Leave the report card on the kitchen table, leave and then call them and tell them your report card really was bad and it's on the kitchen table. Wait a couple of hours before you go home so they have some time to cool off. Good luck.
Just give it to them...don't be a coward..parents hate that!

Up front honest is best.
take the hit just the helll did u get a report card already?!?!?!
Just be honest with them. If you try to hide it it will be worse in the end. Go to them with reasons that this semester was bad, weather it be personal problems or whatever. But most importantly go with an action plan, show them that you are upset as much as they are. Tell them that you are willing to give up something that takes alot of time ( like computer, tv, cellphone) for an hour a day to devote that time to bring up the grade. If you show them that you are concerned and want to bring it up, they will not be so hard on you. Good luck!!!
Just man up and give it to em. maybe theyll give u a break since u normally do good
Straight up without any excuses. Have an action plan for the next quarter / semester with details on how your going to improve. By taking responsibility for you past performance it'll show your parents that you do take school seriously......Good Luck
well when this happens to me i just give it to them when they are happy...............and in a good mood............
Leave a note for them saying the following....

';Dear dad, I'm probably going to be away for a while. I got the girl next door pregnant and as her boyfriend found out and said he's gonna kill me I had to steal her dads BMW. Also, I've taken your shotgun and pistol, the only way I can get money as I couldn't find your ATM card is to rob a couple gas stations. I may join a cult or something, I hear there pretty good at hiding people that don't want to be found. Love you both, Your son.

Ps, not really, I just wanted to show you that there could be worse things than my bad grade card, can you sign it for me?';
Immediately enroll yourself in a lot of clubs and say you made the mistake of being too enthusiastic about being active in the organizations. Tell them that you will step down from the clubs and that your grades will definately improve next time. Good luck!
be honest. show it to them. make sure to cry A LOT!

hope that they feel bad for you. then go to your room because no matter what you are probably grounded
You just tell them. I know it's hard for you to believe this, but parents are not really as stupid as you think they are. We DO know when you're bullshitting us, or we will find out soon enough, and then it will be even WORSE for you. Cook a nice dinner for them, sit down with them and say (and mean it) - ';I will never do this poorly again. Would you please sign this so I can bring it back to school.'; Your parents might not be pleased with the report card, but should be pleased that you were mature about telling them the truth.
Well like just about all have said - own up to it and tell your parents so that they can sign it - but what I would like to add is be prepared before you approach them.

They are going to ask you *what went wrong and why you got low grades??* So......... why did you?? Did you find the work hard?? Have you not got your work done and handed in??

Now the next question will be *What are you going to do to turn these grades around?* What are your plans??

Have these answers ready for them - but even better - tell them before they have a chance to ask - that shows that you are taking responsibilty for your own work and showing that you are making plans to improve your work without them having to probe you for answers for it.

Good luck in the future!!!
you can leave a really long note in your room after organizing it saying that you ran away with a girlfriend whose pregnant and at the end say ; jsut kidding, i wanted you to remember that there are worse things then my report card in the drawr. or you can tell some bad things your friends did or worse grades people got and then show them.
try telling your parents the truth in a nice way but just don't suddenly bring up the subject just slowly get there
Just show it to them, they could appreciate you being straightforward.
Suck it up and tell em. Get it overwith...

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