Thursday, January 21, 2010

In Florida a parent has to petition for emancipation, but can a godfather petition instead of a parent?

I'm 16 and I won't go into detail but I'm mentally and verbally abused, I wan to move out but I know I have to be emancipated to do it. I know that in Florida a parent or guardian has to petition for emancipation to be considered, is it acceptable for a Godfather/mother, who is considered a guardian, to petition for emancipation while the biological parent still has custody?In Florida a parent has to petition for emancipation, but can a godfather petition instead of a parent?
Only if they are LEGAL guardians.In Florida a parent has to petition for emancipation, but can a godfather petition instead of a parent?

A Godparent has no legal rights as far as the minor goes. They in no way would be able to give permission for emancipation.
Why grow up so fast?

See legal aid

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