Sunday, January 17, 2010

What would you say to the parent of a casualty of this Iraq conflict?

Imagine you are a politician running for office. What do you say?What would you say to the parent of a casualty of this Iraq conflict?
Your son or daughter died doing something that they chose to do. They made the decision to place their lives between the outside world and their homes and family. I will not address the rights or wrongs of the conflict within which they fell. But I can state strongly that no greater love is shown than by the willingness to lay down your life for another. Any person who has given their life for others is a hero - no matter what the judgment of their cause.What would you say to the parent of a casualty of this Iraq conflict?
The same thing you would say to anyone who has had a death of someone they love: ';I'm very sorry for your loss.';
If I was a politican who voted for this war and met someone who's son or daughter died in this conflict I honestly would run away . I don't believe I could look at myself in the mirror .
I would say that their son or daughter was a brave person who gave their life in defense of the values and culture of the United States. As imaginably difficult as I'm sure the loss is for you, understand that the people of at least two countries, us and the Iraqis, pray for and thank you and your son/daughter for their sacrifice.
AAhhhhhhhh, it's a bomb, Ahhhhhhhh.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
I would say, on behalf of a grateful nation we are sorry for your loss. Your son/daughter was a brave airman/soldier/sailor/marine that died for what they believed in and in defense of their country. They so loved their country that they would give their life in pursuit of the freedoms that we as citizens enjoy. Whether you believe in the judgement of the nation's leaders or not, they did, and they died so that others may disagree with those same leaders. We commend your son/daughter for the selfless act that cost them their very life.
Your son/daughter was a proud soldier, they served this country with respect and honor, and they not only deserve the same respect and honor while living, they deserve it in death.
YOU voted---not me.

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