Sunday, January 17, 2010

What reasons would you give your parents if you were asking them to let you join MySpace?

What reasons would a 13 year old tell her parents to accept the idea of letting her have a MySpace? How could she convince them?What reasons would you give your parents if you were asking them to let you join MySpace?

1- Mom i have nothing to do at home.

2- All my friends have one.

3- I just wanna talk to them

4- I can set my profile to private.

5- Any weird guys try to add me, i can deny them

6- I can put it so, if they dont know my last name then i wont add them

7- Its safe.

8- Meet people from school.

9- Add old friends..

10- Keeps me occupied.What reasons would you give your parents if you were asking them to let you join MySpace?
you can always go to account settings and you can choose if you don't want people over the age of 18 to contact you you can set your profile to private gives me something to do stay in touch with friends and all that jazz :]
Just tell them your reasons don't lie or exaggerate as you want them to trust you.
Just let them know that it helps you keep in touch with your friends.
well be honest.. its a social network. and you can always set everytihng to private so yo uchoose who sees what.
just set it to private.

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