Sunday, January 17, 2010

Best Parenting Books for infants?

We have a five week old and I would love a book about sleeping, development and feeding routines and such for like her first year or two. What was the one book that kept you sane and really helped you with your questions?...(I can't call her pediatrician every five minutes! haha :) thank you!Best Parenting Books for infants?
There is a series called ';What to expect';

1. ';What to expect when you are expecting';

2. ';What to expect, The first year';

3. ';What to expect, The toddler years';

There might be more, but i'm not sure what they are. These are GREAT books! They cover EVERYTHING you need to know! Buy them all!Best Parenting Books for infants?
Let me give you some advice....

Most of those books you can throw out the window. Yeah there are some things that babies typically do at the same points in age, but no two babies are the same. I have 3 daughters and all three had different sleeping patterns, different feeding patterns, different times they needed diaper changes, developed at a different pace......It's just not worth the money to me. As long as they are happy and healthy, and the Pediatrician is happy, that is all that really matters. If I have any questions about my children, their Pediatrician always has hand outs and answers for me. You can buy a book if you want, but odds are you will get limited use out of it.
defintly '; What to Expect the First Year '; I lived by it. It goes from birth to a year. Then you need '; What to Expect the Toddler Years';
';What to Expect the First Year';

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