Means the same thing, different dialect. In the UK, they say ';smacking'; in the US, they say ';spanking';. Just like in the US it's called a ';backyard,'; in teh UK, a ';garden'; In the US, a ';stroller,'; in teh UK, a ';push chair.';Parents, what is the difference between smacking and spanking?
There's not really a difference. I guess it could be assumed that a smack is just like one slap on the hand or butt, but spanking is multiple hits on the backside. However, I've seen people refer to just one swat as spanking and an actual spanking as smacking too. And I also think that different terms are used in different countries.
Smacking = English
Spanking = American
Some American's think that when we say smacking we're talking about slapping a child in the face etc, we're not, a smack is the same as a spank, both wrong and inappropriate in my opinion, but each to their own, both the same thing.
There isn't one in this context. Spanking is the term used in America for what people in the UK or Aus would call smacking. However, as I understand it, in the US smacking has the connotation of ';a smack in the mouth'; type violence. (And in the UK spanking has a strong sexual link).
Other thank the obvious cultural difference that has already been noted, I've always considered spanking to be multiple hits to one's butt and smacking to be a singular hit, not necessarily isolated to the butt(face, hand, butt, etc.).
Spanking is when you 'smack' the kid on the behind, usually with a stick or a cane or a ruler.
Smacking is usually harder and you use your hand, it can be anywhere so Spanking hurts less (the behind is softer?).
That's what I think.
It depends which country you are from. In the US smacking is usually viewed as a hit to the face, whereas spanking is on the bottom. It the UK and Australia smacking is viewed the same as spanking.
Basically, they are the same. The term used depends on where you live. I think that there should be no smacking or spanking on children unless there is a VERY good reason and all other punishments have failed. Otherwise, it is abuse!
Smacking is the English term, Spanking is the American term.
There is no relation to it being in the face or on the body. It's just geography.
What we call spanking here in the U.S., striking the bottom, is generally called smacking in the U.K. On the other hand, often when we say smacking here in the U.S. we are referring to slapping the face.
It is all physical violence. There really is no difference. It is all illogical, unintelligent, lazy parenting.
Different countries call it different things.
Here smacking is a tap to the bum
Spanking is something that my husband does to me.
He was smacked if he got his face slapped. On the other hand, one hit to the rear end can be a smack, where as multiple hits to the rear end is definitely spanking.
Smacking is usually in the face, spanking is anywhere else.
I agree
smacking is where you slap em real hard!
spanking is were u slap em on and on ye so thats the differance
naughty children get smacked
mummy if she is lucky girl gets spanked
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