Sunday, January 17, 2010

How old were you when your parents started letting you ride with friends who had their licenses?

Or how long had your friends had their license before your parents would let you ride with them?How old were you when your parents started letting you ride with friends who had their licenses?
I wasn't allowed until I was 18 and still after that it was the WHO? WHAT? WHERE? WHEN? questions.. Needless to say they were very overprotective.How old were you when your parents started letting you ride with friends who had their licenses?
Well, I didn't turn 16 until I was a senior in highschool, so I never did drive before then. Because I was so young, however, I had to mooch rides off of friends all through highschool. It was kind of a pain in the butt. My parents finally realized when I was a freshman (13 years old) that it was a lot easier for me to catch a ride with my friends to school events than for them to have to take me themselves. Going out with friends who drove to non-school events and just for fun (cruising, movies, mall, and so on) not until I was 15.
I was 14 when I drove as all my friends did (Country laws), and we were always responsible enough to stay out of trouble.
I was a sophomore(16) when i had my permit and I was driving already by myself, %26amp; I would also ride w/ my friends that had their permit/license.
As soon as anyone of us had our liscense (16 and 17), we were all allowed to ride with each other. I had a close group of friends, our parents all knew each other and we all got along with our parents relatively well, plus we were all good kids in general.

I think it depends more on just age and how long they've had their license. It depends on whether your parents know them and their parents and how responsible you and your friends are.
I was outta the house with my own car and my own insurance. It infuriated me at the time, but I understand why now. New drivers (and yes that includes ALL teenagers) dont always know what to do in every situation. Younger people (rather than teens.. Im 24, and still have a problem with this) try to do too many other things while driving such as talking, goofing, not watching the road, using a cell, texting, reaching down to grab something, ect. You can easily loose control or miss seeing something in a split second.

It is likely that if you wreck with a friend in the car the parents will sue (and they have every right to, especially if they are injuries), even if you think they would never do that. It is also likely that if your friend wrecks with you in the car that your parents will sue - mine would have in a heart beat, even my best friend. If your friend wrecks and says it was your fault for some reason, your parents can be sued. And insurance only covers so much - its not a magical pay all wand.

Its not an issue of trust of you or the friend, or even an issue of your's or the friend's driving ability. It is an issue of their financial standing and not wanting you to get hurt.
14 . Then when I got mine I had to wait like a month or something.
Honestly, my parents didn't care how old I was, or how long my friends had their license. To them a license was a license.
I was 18. My parents felt (and rightly so, considering the statistics on teen crashes) that 3 or 4 teens alone in a car was a recipe for trouble.
have you seen the statistics on how many teens die in car accidents? its overwhelming! The more kids in the car-the higher the chances of being in an accident. Your parents obviously love you and want to protect you. It may seem overprotective, but it isn't.

To answer your first question-When I was a senior I was allowed to ride with one friend on maybe 5-6 occasions during our senior year. She had her license for about a year before that
When I was 18! The only people I could be in the car without my parents who had just got their license were my older brother and sister!!

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