Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What do you think about a parent as a teacher in school?

I know someone who goes to school with the parent as a teacher.Do you think that this is fair?What do you think about a parent as a teacher in school?
no if she has her own child she will sooooo favor her.What do you think about a parent as a teacher in school?
I've had a lot of friends who's parents were their teacher. I'm studying right now to be a teacher and I'm sure that my future kids will end up being taught by me at sometime. I'm sure that every parent teacher realizes that they can't show favoritism to their son/daughter. Hopefully the parent teacher realizes that they should grade everyone equally. If they let the fact that they are the parent of one of their students get in the way, then they aren't a very good teacher. Sure, it's a bit unfair, but just put yourself in that kids shoes wouldn't you be embarrassed to have your mom/dad be the one handing out the grades to all your fellow classmates/friends.
It is absolutely fair if they just attend the same school that the parent teaches at. It only becomes questionable if the child is actually in their class...and even then, some parents are extremely fair.

It is not always a good idea as the kid may be teased, may have it easier, or even harder if the parent is that type. And even if it is perfectly fair, the other kids probably won't believe it is fair.

It's really better to keep kids out of their parents classrooms.
In some cases, the parents will be kinder to their own child, but I think in more cases, they are less lenient towards their own children just to prove that they are fair, or maybe they just had an argument or something.

So I think it's fair. Plus, the kid can't get away with much right under his/her own parents nose.
As long as the parent doesn't have their child as a student, I don't think it really matters. And if that did end up being the case, hopefully the parent would have enough responsibility to either switch their child out of their class or realize that they can't give their child unfair grades.
my dad is my ag teacher, maths and photography. he is also the dep principal. lol it's not too bad but i get to school heaps early!! lol =P

narr i don't mind it becoz my friends think he's cool. lol they like his lessons becoz he is nice and treats people with respect.. AND he lets us swear! lol =P
why would it not be fair? i was an aide in my daughter's class when she was in 2nd grade. no i didn't want it, but the principal insisted, dang woman, and so we had to deal. in fact in our small town, lots of parents and kids were at the same school.
If he's the coolest kid in the class, it usually makes people behave properly, or if it's a pretty girl, that all the boys like, it might encourage them to not be a tit and mess about.
My friends dad is a teacher, and he had his daughter in his class. He was completely fair, and didn't let her call him dad.. she had to call him the same as any other student. :)
I definatly dont think that's fair. And I would think Id feel a bit embarassed and a bit protected.
no,i think that a mom or dad shouldnt be with their children at school because they cant express themselves and they feel imberessed next to their friends and feel mad
Yeh. It's just a job. So what. It only becomes unfair when the kid gets favored.
as long as the parent does not teach the kid it's fine.
it's only fair if the teacher does not give his/her kid less homework or a grade better than they deserve
Sure, of course it's fair. It would only be unfair if that parent was favoring her child. If she's not- no big deal.
yes i think it is very unfair bc the mom can give the student better grades than they deserve.. or worse
no! i would feel embarrassed no offence...
i think its funny

i have a friend in tha same position

he still does what he wants lol
i bet the kid gets high marks, they shouldnt let that happen

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