Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How do you feel when your parents get divorced?

I am writing a story about a kid trying to get their parents back together and I need to know a bit about how the child feels. Any suggustions?How do you feel when your parents get divorced?
I know that I went through many emotions, and never one for long. First I felt remorse. I honestly and truely thought it was my fault. Then I felt anger, for even caring about my parent's divorce. I tried to convince myself that this was all my parents fault, and that I should stay out of it. Then I felt sadness, because nothing would ever be the same again. Then I felt hope, because I thought I could get them back together, and for everything to be okay again. Then I felt like a turtle- (I know, weird! lol)- after my plans of getting my parents back together failed, I would go inside my own little shell, and imagine a life with both my parents. When I saw both parents, I would come out of my shell. But I always went back in again. When I was in my shell, I was different. I wouldn't talk as much, and I turned shy (which I still am today). I would blush easy, and was super clumsy (which, sadly, stuck with me lol). But when I was out of my shell, I was vibrant, and full of life. I was me again, if not happier. I made friends easy, and felt like flying to the moon- it was awesome. But when my Dad left again to his house, I would go right back to my shell. After awhile, I relized that this had to stop- I had finally out-grown my shell. So, in the end, I felt strong. I felt more confident about myself- I was more mature. I took things better, and I acually started defending my beliefs. I didn't cry anymore when my Dad left to his house, and I was proud of myself. I became a different person, and I felt good about it. So after remorse, anger, sadness, turtleness (lol).. I got to feeling strong about myself.

Hope I helped you! ^_^How do you feel when your parents get divorced?
Lucky for me my parents are not divorce, but if that was the case i say that it would be as if my world becomes unfamiliar. The home, the parents i once new would never be the same anymore. Every time i think of this possibility i tend to get depress because the idea of that happening makes me feel as if i would then be alone in the world. I know this is exaggeration, but it is how i would feel. Hope i could help.
I wouldn't know because I don't even know my father, but I would describe it as an emptiness that's there but isn't discussed often. I would also say it's like when you see things falling apart and you desperately try to fix them, but the more you fix, the more that breaks and everybody is sitting there watching you, but not doing anything.

I would say you're alone while you're surrounded by everyone. And you sometimes feel like your feelings aren't justified or that you're going crazy.

Your parents divorcing is kind of like an invisible problem only can you see, but it's presence is known to all.

Good luck!
the instability is the worst....escpecially when parents who divorce all of a sudden start calling themselves ';single';....sorry when you have kids you are not single and you cant live that way.
You feel like you're losing everything . ou feel extremely depressed, and sometimes you break down at the oddest times.
sad, depressed, guilty, lonely, unloved, uncared for
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