By teens, I mean at least fourteen/fifteen. By with parents, I mean with dinner in a restaurant. Would you object to teaching teens wine appreciation? It seems to me that teaching kids to have a healthy relationship with wine would prevent them from using it to get drunk versus appreciation.What do you think of teens drinking a glass of wine at dinner with parents?
Honestly I believe that allowing your children to APPRECIATE wine (and even alcohol) is a great way to teach resposibilty, and set good habits for the future. Most kids will start drinking secretly 1.)it's illegal.2.) it's ';cool and 3.) bc youngin do what they arent spose to
If they are familiar with it, they are less likely to bingew drink, and therefore safe from accidents, overdose, etc
*This is my OPINION not anythign more than thatWhat do you think of teens drinking a glass of wine at dinner with parents?
I agree, I think that parents should let their children drink some alcohol once they're teens. Of course they'd heavily monitor them, but still. If parents show their kids how to drink in moderation and how to be safe when drinking, it could prevent a lot of drunk driving accidents and drunk party sex (which may or may not result in pregnancy).
I've drank small amounts of alcohol, and it really has helped. I have a lot of mental illnesses, but because my mom has been open with me about alcohol snd its effects snd such, it has drawn me extremely away from wanting to use alcohol as a form of self medication and/or rebellion.
I don't know. I would say no, because my mother is an alcoholic and I have a very biased opinion about alcohol, but it's a valid point that allowing your kids to drink a little with supervision could lessen their curiosity about alcohol and make them less likely to drink. As long as the parents talk to their teens about the dangers of alcohol and how they don't want the teen to go out drinking with friends, it should be okay. I don't think it should be legal, though, there would be many people taking advantage of it.
Most teens - or even people in their 20's - don't drink wine. It's an acquired taste.
I am all for having teens drink wine with dinner. But at home, not at a restaurant. It is illegal. Letting them drink in their own home is the parents' responsibility; they will be the once facing the music if anything happens. If you are at a friend's house, a restaurant, or anywhere else it is the owner of the building's responsibility. You'd be getting others in trouble for your mistakes, which is never a good thing.
Other countries (especially in europe) teach children to appreciate wine at early ages. It's usually diluted with water or other liquid to reduce its strength. It is actually a better teaching. My old US History teacher was with her husband in Germany during Vietnam, and she only saw american soldiers drunk in the streets, not the local teens and younger adults.
I think it is a very good idea to teach youth how to appreciate wine and drink it responsibly from a young age because it will reduce younger kids getting drunk at parties and such.
I don't see a problem with it. I had mix drinks when I was a young teen with my parents. Never too many. Just to have an appreciation of alcohol. I am 18 years old now and ALL of my friends have gotten so drunk that they can't walk. I have never been so much as tipsy. Drinking isn't a big deal to me because my parents introduced it to me at a young age and didn't make it a big deal.
In Ireland the legal age is 18 so many parents let their teens have wine with dinner from the age of 14 or so. My parents do but I don't like wine! I'm allowed drink on occasions (like more than wine). I drink with my friends and my parents know (though they don't know at the same time... if that makes sense?). They know I'm responsible and that I don't get legless or anything.
I think in moderation, its good. So long as its not a large glass, just say a medium and just one, then I think its fine.
Its good to get used to wine, so as that other person said, you don't rebel and take too much in and get ill for not being used to it.
I think that parents teaching their children to appreciate of wine and alcohol is not a bad idea. However, it cannot be done in a restaurant as it is illegal and the restaurant could get in trouble.
Well, it is legal for a child to drink with their parents permission in their own home [at least where I live] and outside of the home its illegal.
I think it could be a healthy thing. As long as it doesn't get carried away.
I think nothing of them...
what am I supposed to think?
My parents raised me to be able to drink whenever I wanted, and I really never had the urge to want to drink it... never did. I think not sheltering me from it helped a lot.
I see no problem with it. It's not illegal if your parents have given it to you, and your parents can tell you when to stop. It teaches you how to consume alcohol responsibly.
i think if teenagers were allowed to legally drink some kinds of alcohol, it would prevent teenage drinking on the streets today, so i agree with this, that teenagers should be allowed to do this.
wine is gross i don't see why you would want to but if you like it i don't see what is wrong with it.
I don't see anything wrong with it. If you don't let teens start having little bits of alcohol under supervision, they'll do it behind your back.
I think it is fine...In biblical times wine was drank for stomach problem...I think as long as they are taught that you should not get drunk then it is ok. The parent can then monitor it =)
Yes exactly if you let people drink small amounts at a young age they will not go crazy and 'rebel' when they are older.
I think its ok, but I would never do it mself. I almost barfed the other night when I smelled wine.
I think its okay, but since i dont like wine or any kind of alcohol i cant say much
Wine is suppose to be good for you, in small amounts of course.
in missouri it actually is
i think its fine i drank red wine with dinner when i was a teen
its just this country thats against it.
i would switch out the wine with rum
I see no problem with that.
its ok until its a habit of it
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