Sunday, May 9, 2010

If you are a parent and you let your kids walk the streets at night drinking and smoking you are a bad parent?

My question is. Why cant you be a good parent. You should not be allowed to breed.If you are a parent and you let your kids walk the streets at night drinking and smoking you are a bad parent?
haha agreedIf you are a parent and you let your kids walk the streets at night drinking and smoking you are a bad parent?
i'm sure they don't 'let' their kids do that. kids are going to do whatever they want. you can't put bars on their windows. i was drinking and smoking at age 14, and my parents knew nothing of it. they still don't know i smoke and i'm 19 now.

but there are definitely some people who shouldn't be allowed to breed.
I agree wholeheartedly with you.
i agree, yobs!
I agree to a certain point. I work for 999 and I get calls from concerned parents whose kids haven't come home yet or have run off out to be with their friends without permission and also most disturbing of all, calls from parents whose kids are beating their parents up and smashing up the house because they are not getting their way.

You have to remember back to when you were a teen, you were stubborn and thought your parents didn't understand you and you thought you were a grown up. You probably did things your parents would have killed you for if they knew what you were up to! Some parents can't control their children, it's those who don't care are the ones who we should be slating.

What should be brought back is corporal punishment to scare the yobs - and the uncaring parents. I also think the government should be snipping the parents who have so many children that they can't control or those who refuse to work or even prison cases.
Totally agree!!
I'm a single mother of a just turned 16yr old and i don't let him walk the streets at night or during the day, he doesn't like the cold anyway. his friends are older than him aswell so he either goes in town, pictures or plays football on the school playing field. For the past few years he used to play footie where i could see him so as for drinking he hadn't a chance and about smoking he said it stinks and doesn't want to smell like a ash tray. If children in certain areas where given somewhere to go at night like a youth centre near where they live there would not be as much trouble. I hung around near where i lived when i was younger but we didn't make peoples life a misery and didn't drink because we didn't get pocket money like kids do now we just got things bought for us that we needed.
Do agree parents should be able to control their children teach them what is wright and wrong.

But it is up to the child whether or not they obey them .
If parents started raising their child from day one(enforcing rules, setting examples, ect.) the child would have more respect to the parents and would not question their authority or anyone elses(police, elderly).
I agree with you 100% too many teenagers wandering about with no purpose %26amp; their parents wouldnt be able to tell you where the're at
I agree
Damn right - They don't deserve to create a beautiful thing like life if they can't be bothered to care for it properly. Heidi will not be roaming the streets, wearing hoodies and terrorising grannies and woe betide the girl if I find she has had sex or has drunk before the age of 18! She's going to an all girls school - costs a bomb but worth it.
agreed with that...My kids wouldn't make it to the next day if they were doing that, I would get to them first before someone else did...
IF THE PARENTS set a GOOD example, the kids usually follow it.If the parents smoke the kids will too.Drink, drugs etc the kids will too more than likely!

Also, when parents fail to discipline their kids in a way that works(all methods do NOT work for ALL kids across the board sorry), they will run wild.

It isnt whether or not the kid is strong, it is whether or not the parents has their head up their hind ends or not and is being a good parent.

In the end, the child becomes the adult the parent(s) (or lack thereof) raised them to be.
that means im a great parent! xxxxxxxxxxx
Well that certain situation depends on alot of things. I know that if I was 15 and my hobbies were wandering the streets drinking and smoking then I would be in some sort of trouble. As the we get older we just want to have fun within the safe limits. With a group its perfectly healthy- I know plenty of kids that have a good time just walking around drunk having a good time- and then I know plenty of kids that like to sit in to study and do nothing- the funny thing is the parents of my friends who get drunk and have adventures are more like Best friends to the kids, and my friends would rather let them know what theyre going to be doing and the parent trust them. But make sure they are in a group, they are old enough to handle such a social event, and that they are not hurting anyone in the process of innocent fun
i don't get the question
I agree that it is not fun to have to walk past groups of kids behaving badly on our street corners but I don't always think it is the parents who are to blame.

Many teenagers will rebel by lying to their parents about where they are going and what they are doing.

So it's not quite so black and white as you'd have us believe
People should be given a parenting exam before breeding!
Totally agree but so many of today's parents are just yobs themselves as were probably their parents before them. What this country is going to do about it God only knows but they better do something fast. How many more innocent children and adults are going to get stabbed,shot or beaten up for nothing. I never thought I would say this but its maybe time to bring back hanging when its proved beyond all doubt that the yod did it. If they carry knives or weapons of any kind they intend to use them so Hell mend them let them Hang.
they don't know how to be good parents as probibaly dragged up themselves!
what do you think?
i agree with you - a lot of parents dont know where there kids are or what they're up to
yeah you've got a point, to be fair to parents though, if their kids are over the age of 16 what are they meant to do, 16's an adult in the UK??????
Theres a lot to be said for eugenics.

I look at Salford where I live,and think its a government sponsored experiment into what happens when 13 yr olds breed
I agree...these parents are selfish, lazy, stupid people. This should be considered neglect and they should loose their kids to this.
definately.and i think parents should be held responsible for their kids behaviour.a lot of kids(not all)who spend their time wandering the streets get into trouble cos they are left to their own devices without any parental involvement.i'm sure if parents had to face the consequences of their kids actions then theyd be a lot tougher on them.
How old are the kids?

I think parents who allow that are not responsible.. and are probably like that themselves

For example, my parents, hard working, middleclass people. Me: spoilt.

Me as a teen age 13-16: Hehe. Well.

My mum and dad would think I was going to the cinema. I wasnt. Id be shagging some guy in his back car.

My parents thought I was going to a friends sleep over: I wasnt, I was going clubbing with Fake ID.

My parents thought I was going ';youth club,'; I wasnt, I was doing weed on the corner.

I just wanted to break free of rules. Have some ';hard ship.';

So, how can you blame parents? I was rebelling and my parents trusted me.

Then sh1t hit the fan, And some gang got hold of me. You know the rest. I was held at gun point and stuff. So i had to leave London.( Temporary)

My parents never could undertsnad or relate, they had a different experience as kids.

Part of the problem was that my parents and I are are from different worlds. We get on great now ive left home and had my own kids. But, they couldnt rlate to the stuff I was going thorugh. And yes, they may be smart when it comes to business, but niave when it comes to the street.

Now, there are parents who know that their kids hang around the street and they are cool with it: Those parents are the tw4ts. But you cant blame the parents that were lied to by their kids.

Overall, my parents put alot of wisom in me and im glad that im using it in my adulthood. And im happy they let me make mistakes so I could learn from them.

Still: My daughter is gona be on a leash....

Much love.

F. x
I completely agree. And it absolutely is the parents' fault!

Children who are brought up to respect their parents simply won't do something if they are instructed not to. When I was a child and a teenager, I had plenty of screaming rows with my mum, but when she said no, I knew she meant no, and I didn't dare go against her.

I got a little bit more rebellious when I turned 16, as I knew that age brought with it a certain element of being able to make your own decisions, but I still had respect for my parents and listened to their advice.

I would never have walked the streets at night, smoking and drinking and generally being a waste of space, simply because I knew my life wouldn't have been worth living if I'd been found out! And now, I'm very grateful for the way I was brought up, because I have a decent job, respect for my elders, and hopefully a decent future ahead of me. Which is a lot more than can be said for the majority of teenage wasters we have on the streets today.

Their parents brought them into this world - it's their duty to teach them how they should live their lives, or they do not deserve to be parents.
It's not the parents fault. Even if they tried, if the kids will were so strong they just run away or something. As parents your duty is to teach them but wat they do in the end in ultimately their decision and you can hardly do anything aobut it unless you lock them up like in prison.

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