Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What would you do if your parents refused you to date somebody outside of your race/religion?

I would move out to a different province or country and I would stop all forms of communication with my parents. If they tried to call me, they would be footing the long distance bill. Better yet, I would not tell them and I would not bring my girlfriend over to my house.What would you do if your parents refused you to date somebody outside of your race/religion?

I would refuse to talk to them untill they changed their ways!!


is this happening to you? Because if it is, i think you should follow your heart, your parents cant make you choose who you fall in love with !!

xxxWhat would you do if your parents refused you to date somebody outside of your race/religion?
i love asian boys, however, my parents don't.


i wouldn't care.

i do whatever the **** i want.
Why would you hide it, though? Better yet, take her to their house and let them see for themselves how wonderful this person is that you've fallen for.
Well, I wouldn't do that anyway probably but I'd still listen to them. Of course I'd be mad and everything but I'd see that they're doing it cause they care and know A LOT more than I do.
I would avoid them. they have no power or control of what you do. If they don't want to meet the person well it's their loss
I would go against my parents. I don't give a **** what they think.

I'm gonna marry whoever the **** I want.
I would date them anyway! If my parents disliked it so much I would move out of the house and forget about them.
I would laugh if my parents said that. I'm 22 I date whoever I like.
That would be awesome cuz people should NOT date outside of race to begin with!!!!
You have to realize that your parents truly love you and only want what they feel is best for you, ultimately you should look to God our creator for guidance. As long as you are in your parents household you should obey them if what they ask is not against God's laws.

EVERY normal person wants to get real enjoyment out of life. The Bible shows that this is proper, listing joy as one of the “fruits” of God’s spirit. (Galatians 5:22) Many young people, especially in Western lands, look to dating as a prime means of finding enjoyment. They often arrange to spend time, unchaperoned, with someone of the opposite sex. What can be said about this?

2 You may assume dating to be a normal, expected practice, since it is so common in many places. Yet it hasn’t always been, as the book The Family in Social Context explains: “Dating as we know it probably emerged after World War I.” In many countries, however, dating never has become the custom. In fact, the prospective bride and groom may still not meet until their wedding day. The arrangements for their marriage are carried out by their respective parents, or perhaps by a “matchmaker” or “go-between.”

3 Of course, if you live where dating and courtship are accepted as normal, the absence of these customs in certain lands may seem hard to understand. But people living in those lands may be equally puzzled by the customs where you live. They may view dating and courtship as unwise, or even somewhat offensive. A girl from India explained to a well-known Western marriage counselor: “How would we be able to judge the character of a boy we met and got friendly with? We are young and inexperienced. Our parents are older and wiser, and they aren’t as easily deceived as we would be. . . . It’s so important that the man I marry should be the right one. I could so easily make a mistake if I had to find him for myself.”

4 So, rather than taking a narrow-minded viewpoint and thinking that the only way to do things is the way people in your own locality do them, it is good to broaden out your thinking. After all, in the final analysis, it is the way things work out, the results, that determine how good or how bad certain customs are. In the Bible at Ecclesiastes 7:8, we read: “Better is the end afterward of a matter than its beginning.” And we must admit that in many countries where dating and courtship are the custom, a large percentage of marriages are not working out well but are ending in divorce.


5 If you believe in reasoning things out, you will want to consider not just the short-range effects of dating but also the longer-range results. Our Creator helps us to look at matters from this long-range viewpoint. He wants for us what will bring us true and lasting happiness. So he urges in his Word: “Rejoice, young man, in your youth, and let your heart do you good in the days of your young manhood, and walk in the ways of your heart and in the things seen by your eyes. But know that on account of all these the true God will bring you into judgment. So remove vexation from your heart, and ward off calamity from your flesh; for youth and the prime of life are vanity.” (Ecclesiastes 11:9, 10) What does this mean?

6 It means that the Creator wants you to enjoy your youth, but, at the same time, not to engage in conduct that will adversely affect your life later on. Unfortunately this so often occurs, even as a writer of modern times observed: “The greatest part of mankind employ their first years to make their last miserable.” You don’t want that to happen to you, do you? Neither does God want it to occur. Yet the Bible is also showing here in Ecclesiastes that God holds young persons responsible for what they do. Their youth will not excuse them from facing the consequences of the course they choose.

7 This all bears directly on the matter of dating. How so? Well, ask yourself: “Why do I want to date? What am I looking for that I couldn’t enjoy, for example, as part of a group? Why do I want to pair off with a person of the opposite sex?” Isn’t the basic reason the growing attraction you feel toward those of the opposite sex? This can be seen from the fact that physical attractiveness usually has a lot to do with one’s being desirable as a “date.”

8 Many young persons who date are not seriously thinking of marriage at present, or that they necessarily would like the person they date for a marriage partner. In most places where dating is considered to be customary, it is viewed merely as a form of recreation, a way to spend an evening or a weekend. And some persons, not wanting to be viewed as “different,” date because others their own age do. Yet, there is no question that dating can lead to “vexation,” and even “calamity.” Let’s consider why it can.


9 More often than not, dating involves some physical contact—holding hands, kissing, or something beyond that. At first, just touching the other

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