How aware are you of the expectations your parents have? Do you consider them when taking decisions?
Obviously you can't take everything they want under consideration 24/7. However, when it comes to relevant decisions like choosing a career, dating someone, following a religion, behaving in certain way (depends on what your parents think is important) do you think of them? Would you sacrifice something important to you if they told you it would be a disappointment to them or the family?Is it important to make your parents proud?
I think its a nice thing to do, but i refuse to have my life controlled by them.
If i date, it will be someone i like
If i follow my religion, it will be because i truly believe, and not just to make them proud
If i choose a career, i will do something that will support me. or the family i plan to have, and because i like my job, and am contributing something useful to the society. NOT because i want to please my parents.
In the end though, things like small chores, and favors, and presents, i give to them... those are out of kindness to please them.
As for sacrifice, i think that if everyone is openminded a compromise can be reached.Is it important to make your parents proud?
Every kid wants their parents to be proud of them, but I don't think teenagers should live their life the way their parents want them to live their life. My friend Evie's mom used to live HER life through her daughter. She made Evie play the flute because she never got a chance to do so in high school. She made Evie do technical theatre because she never got a chance to do technical theatre in high school. She wanted Evie to become a doctor because she always wanted to be a doctor, but never was able to go to medical school.
My dad, on the other hand, always tells me he doesn't care what I become in life; as long as I'm happy and well-off, which is cool, because it doesn't make me feel pressured into living his life through mine. When teenagers grow up, they should live the life THEY want to live, not the life their parent WANTS them to live, if you know what I mean.
my parents don't have ';expectations'; of me, except that I behave well and get an education. whatver makes me happy makes them hapy too, and they'll support me through whatever I choose.
my parents never brought me up to be a certain religion or have a certain political view. they never told me their political or religious ideals either, because they wanted me to form my own opinions.
I'm so used to my family being ';Disapointed'; or ';ashamed'; in me and my actions, i dont really care anymore. I live according to their rules most of the time, but i dont agree with their beliefs. They dont make me go to church or anything, they think the career i chose (Something in psychology) is stupid, and they havent liked any of the guys i've dated so far. None of that has stopped me from making my own decisions. At the end of the day, i'm living for me and nobody else.
of course,making your parents proud is one thing of appreciation
i mean you appreciate the things that your parents have done to you
well lets go to the decisions♥
your parents are'nt making decisions there are making advice for your own good well if you think its wrong then tell them what is right for you just remember your parents had not carried your life you can make your own decisions too because you had your brain now and that is your life
Well I work pretty hard at school, especially as I have been doing my GCSEs (mostly coursework atm, have 2 actual exams in November) recently.. and I got a provisional A* in my ICT GCSE, and I told my mum and she didn't even seem that bothered! My dad was more enthusiastic, but they are so hard to please these days! I was really happy and really proud of myself, and they just ruined it.
I like them to be proud of me, but it doesn't seem to happen much these days /: But if I stopped woring hard, not only would they have a go at me, but I would end up failing too.
So I've given up caring what they really think, and just do what I want to do :)
most of the things like careers, education (grades), religion i always take into consideration. i want to make them happy and cant bear to see them disappointed. but luckily they support me in everything. i probably would sacrifice something important for them because they are really important in my life.
Nope.My ***, my choice. Both of tghem made way too many mistakes in their lives to try to lead mine. Sure, I won't reject a suggestion or advice, but if it feels wrong I won't go with it.
I'm Marxist. She's Orthodox. It's ok with her.
I do steampunk, she does Greek goddess. It's ok with me.
I wouldn't. I have been disappointed with my family so many times, I can't care for what they want me to do.
I believe that if it is something that means a lot to you and is very important in your life, then your family should be proud if you pursue it no matter what it is.
I don't strive to make my parents proud. I do what makes me proud of myself and whether or not it makes them proud is up to them.
I don't base anything I decide on what they want.
I try my best to make them proud. They did so much for me growing up and I need to repay them. My grades defently doesn't do it but my decison in joining the army will.
Neither of my parents are alive anymore which just makes me try harder.
No because If i did things just to make other people happy ,I would never Truly be satisfied and would be living A lie.
Instead of sacrificing, why not try a compromise, they help sometimes
Ca we take it from the other way round.
I am a dad I have three boys, when I see them doing something well or even trying hard it makes me so proud of them. I think that there are many parents that are the same way.
While they are young then they are learning to become individuals, and starting to make their own choices, (although limited) but as they get older I hope that they will be able to make the right choices, but its a learning process, they need to make wrong ones to find out what are the right ones. If they are strong enough to admit that they made the wrong descision, and change then I would be more proud (if I could be) of them than if they made a descision and just stayed with it because they did not want to loose face. We all hope for the best for our children, as for career it would be nice to find a job that you love earn plenty of money, but in reality its not always the case. I would still be proud of them if they had a job that was maybe not the best in the world but they earn enough money to live and were happy, but for me the most of all was they they tried their hardest to be the best that they could be. I just hope that when they make the big descisions in life they think of the things that I have tried to instill in them, not trying to make me proud but trying to make a better choice. parents are not perfect, we make mistakes, but we try to help our children not to make the same ones sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt.
I do say to them that if they draw a picture and it is not that good, that ';you can do better';, not all the time but when needed.
I am not from the States, so my outlook is a little different, Its not winning that is importent, but how you play. It does not matter to loose as long as you have tried your best. I am lucky because both my boys are good loosers and winners, congratualting the winner as soon as they can, or thanking the looser for a good game, and saying something nice.
I hope this answers you question in a roudabout way
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