Sunday, January 17, 2010

Ideas on how to persuade my parents to get me a kitten?

My room's not the neatest thing in the world, but it's cleaner than any of my friends rooms. I do my chores to a certain extent, but it takes some nagging. I want to get a kitten and I know that I first have to show my parents that I'm responsible enough to take care of my own pet. However, my parents are a bit strict and hard to persuade. So anyone got any ideas on how I can get them to buy me a kitten and show them that I'm responsible enough?Ideas on how to persuade my parents to get me a kitten?
You need to take a step back and think about the rest of the family for a minute. Until you are 18 and live in your own home, having a pet effects EVERYONE in the house.

Have your parents said NO because they don't want pets? Whose responsibility is this kitten while you are gone at school? Is there anyone in your house who is allergic, or has asthma? Is the kitten going to stay confined in ONLY your room? Where will the litter box be and who will have to smell it? Could this kitten potentially damage bedding, carpets, clothes, homework, etc? Are you going to clean up if it spits up hairballs, poops on the carpet, shreds the curtains in the hall? Who's going to vaccuum the hair out of the carpet and the furniture?

Listen, I have 4 dogs and a cat, and I love animals. But your PARENTS own your home, and if they say NO - it might be for more reasons than thinking you are irresponsible. It might be that they don;t want a pet at all. They OWN your home, NOT YOU. They have a right to say no to the extra expense, clean-up and potential damage that pets cause. So if they say no, be ready to wait until you are 18 to have a pet of your own.Ideas on how to persuade my parents to get me a kitten?
Try showing your responsible by starting off with a small pet like a hamster or something. Then play with it a lot and stuff. It'll die in a couple of years and that responsibility will pay off.
You need to prove you are responsible first. Kittens need lots of care. They need to be fed twice every day, without anybody nagging you. You need to clean the litter box when it needs to be done even though it's a smelly, dirty job.

Keep your room spotless - never mind what your friends do - and do your chores without nagging. After awhile, this will show your parents that you are grown up and responsible enough to take care of a kitten. Actions speak much louder than words.
clean your room, keep it that way! do your chores without being asked and do them right, this will show them you are ready for more responsibilities
tell them you saw a mouse and you need a cat to catch it
first of all i nknow this is gonna suck but do your chores the first time! (its hard i know, even i dont do that!) but after a while and they still say no say it would be better for your health and if they dont get you one you will be very depressed till they get you one. muwhahahaha! or you could buy your own kittin from a close friend
I'd like to expand on the clean your room and do your chores thing. Don't just do this for a month and then ask for a kitten, your paremts are going to know that you were just doing it to get something. You have to be able to do your chores for longer then that. Do your chores for say, 3 months and then ask or when is your birthday? Maybe keep everything going till your birthday and when they ask what you want you could say a kitten.
Try writing them a persuasive essay showing how YOU will take responsibility of the cat. Save up your money and show it to them and say you can help pay for the vet bills or food.
I know exactly what you mean! My parents were a lot like that too. I know this answer isn't gonna make you leap for joy but honestly, you need to clean your room. And that doesn't mean the second it's clean they'll give you a kitten. My kitten suggestions are:

1. Once it's clean KEEP it clean!

2. Keep your grades high at all times.

3. Offer to help with other pets, maybe walk dogs?

4. DON'T KEEP ASKING!!!! It drives them banana sandwich and will make them not want you to have one at all.

5. Help them around the house and suck up to them a little.

This process usually takes a while, but will probably work eventually. Also, I know you want a kitten, but might I suggest a cat instead? I've had kittens and they seem cute but potty training is a hassle and your parents probably don't want to have to do it all. I'd go for a 1-2 year old cat. Also, it helps save a lot of cats because a lot of older cats get put up for adoption because everyone just wants kittens and they get put to sleep :(. So who knows, you'll get a kitty and save a life! Hope this helps!


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