Friday, January 15, 2010

How I can start a community garden in my Charter School without using school/parents money?

Our small Charter school needs some help with beautification, we have space for garden, water too but we close for summer. How we can have a community garden that is going to be without help in summer? How to make our school more beautiful without using the parents money but still their participation?How I can start a community garden in my Charter School without using school/parents money?
Contact your local county extension office (the agricultural/ 4-H, conservation department) %26amp; connect with the master gardeners program; we many times come to the aid of teaching children how to plant/care for a garden or will come up with a solution that will help your situation, as our mission is to educate the public on plant growth %26amp; we volunteer our time and at times, money to help.How I can start a community garden in my Charter School without using school/parents money?
Get volunteers from the school.. other students to sign on to help maintain and plant the gardens.. that way, it's the kid's garden and the gardeners can learn about gardening as they volunteer.
you need to come up with the implements for working the soil(shovels, rakes, hoes, etc.) and hand tools for the younger children. You will also need seeds and starter plants as well as soil conditioning products. I would suggest that you start locally and ask around at ALL of the local hardware stores and building supply stores. Ask lawn and garden centers for help. Just a little can go a long way. Ask local homeowners in the area for donations of equipment. In the end, the organizers will spend a little out of pocket, I mean if you want others to donate money, you should be willing to do the same. Seeds are relatively cheap and except for the week or two of babying the beds and watching for those little sprouting green babies to pop through the soil, it is just a great experience for kids to see life go from a seed that they planted into something like a flower or even a potato which they can actually eat!
Have a fundraiser......Adults and kids can participate and very simple to raise the money you need.
Have a plant donation. EVERYONE with a garden has extras. You may not like some of them, but they'll be free.
you can sell somthing or have a marathon to raise money for it.
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