I love children. I can't have anymore of my own. I have 2 children of my own, but very young, the oldest is age 2. I see shows all the time about foster kids who don't know or don't have real parents and are in such loving homes by foster parents and I would love to do that. I want to help out and bring other children in my home so I can give them a life they deserve. I haven't told my husband yet, and really don't know how he'd take it. I think he'd be ok, but can't find the right words. Is anyone a foster parent and could tell me where to start? I really feel that I could give a child or two in need a good loving home. But where to start? Are there any good programs out there that would be good to look into if we both decide to do this? Thanks.How do I approach my husband that I am interested in becoming a foster parent?
It isn't as easy as it sounds. I have 5 foster brothers and sisters. My mom had 3 children and took in 5. It is hard, scary and will change your life.
You can find a local adoption center in your area. You and your husband will have to take classes (believe 40 hours) and qualify...meaning have enough rooms/beds, income (for your own family) they do provide money for the children you foster, safe environment, etc.
Social workers will be very much involved in your life for the next 18 years. Many of the children come from broken homes and have mental disabilities.
It is a very kind thing to do. I am 22 and married... my sister (who was adopted) still lives with me in my own home. She is mentally disabled and I have cared for her since I was 18. I chose to do this because of the strong relationship we had and the hope of helping her live a safe and happy life. Knowing so many children in this world have no parents and no family is sad. It also is something that is VERY life changing. You and your husband need to take it very serious and look at the good and the bad.How do I approach my husband that I am interested in becoming a foster parent?
Talk with him. Ask him to attend some of the required classes needed to become licensed. Many people have decided this wasn't for them after completion of the classes (which is only 1 night a week for about 9 weeks, if I remember correctly). Even if you decide after the training you don't want to follow through with it, you will feel more confident in your parenting abilities (I highly recommend these classes for any parent). I am a newer foster parent, my best advise is contact your local children's services office, and ask to go to a information session. That's your first step. This session should answer all your questions.
Good luck
maybe when you and your husband is just sitting around and talking you can bring it up to him, ask him his Ideas on the subject and then tell him that you would love to be a foster parent. I think both of you would make a great one. I knew this one little girl that was in the hospital that her parents, and foster mom abused her, and met the new one she was great with her, I wish I could of been her foster parent but there was no way that I could have done it. but Its a great feeling knowing that you can make a difference in that childs life, contact a lawyer and see which program will be the best for you, or family services. good luck.
tell him you are interested in fostering and how does he feel about it. If you are to do this you need the full support of your husband
just ask him for some alone time with you and both have a seat and be straightforward with him, the worst he can do is say no, I wish you luck
He's your husband and he loves you. The worst thing he can do is say no. The approach I would take would go something like this:
1. Obtain information about it from your local Child Welfare Office. Requirements, testing, legalities, etc. Reason: you may decide after seeing that information that it isn't for you.
2. I would wait for a time when the kids are sleeping, everything is calm, and neither one of you have to be up early the next morning.
3. Sit him down and present him with the information. Tell him why you want to do this and why you think the two of you would be suited for it.
Good luck and God bless you for having a giving heart.
Every situation is different, but having been a foster parent since 2000, it is ill advised to disrupt the birth order of your household. In other words, generally you would not want foster children older that your bio-children. Since you oldest is two, this rule would obviously be difficult to follow. Perhaps, you could enjoy your family, and when they get a little older, consider adding younger foster sibling at that time.
Take him aside alone. Then be open and honest about it. Tell him somewhat like you told us. Open and honestly. He is your husband and if there is anyone you should be able to communicate this to it's him; your help mate, your love, your lover, your other half. However; also be sure to listen to him as well. Afterall-- communication is two ways.
However it turns out it will be for the best. This type of open communication also lends toward another goal I have seen you allude to more than once.
Good luck and I wish you a happy and very long marriage.
I didn't read the whole crazy thing but how about: ';*husband's name*, I want us to be foster parents!';
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