ThanksHow can I explain to my parents that I have a girl as a friend?
I hate to tell you this, but it's time to scold your parents. Really. Not yelling or a tantrum. That's bad behavior. It's time to calmly look them in the eye and say ';Mom, Dad, I am very unhappy that you continue to make fun of me having friends as girls. It's normal. Infact I have many friends as girls and because you have been not very nice to me about it, I haven't been able to talk about it. I would appreciate it in the future that you not do that again or I will talk about my friends at school. I don't think that's good for you or me';
If you want to, copy this speach down. Feel free to change the words if you want to make it your own. But I have no problem if you read it word for word. It's ok to read it from paper as a speech if you need to. This might be a nice shock for them. But be calm, don't raise your voice at all, and look them straight in the eye if you can. Be nice but confident about it. They may interrupt you but politly ask them not to. That will even shock them more. Great for your relationship later with them too.
This speech is exactly what I said to my parents when I was 14. They never bothered me again about it. They even insisted that I invite my best friend over for dinner. In fact my best friend today is still my best friend from high school. I was a little hard, but I'm glad I did it.
It's great to have friends who are girls. And when you like someone later, they will give you alot of good advice about it. Good luck.How can I explain to my parents that I have a girl as a friend?
If she's as beautiful as me, they are always going to think that she's your girlfriend. Dont worry about it.. If your really annoyed by it tell your girl friends to stop calling you or visiting you for one week. During this week dont call them sit in your room and just stare at the ceiling, act like you are depressed because of your parents teasing you. If they love you they will become concerned about your mental health and hopefully stop teasing you. Good luck.
';Mom, Dad, I think it's really annoying that you tease me every time i say that i'm friends with a girl. Can you please stop? I'm not trying to be rude but please stop.';
Be like don't be so immature she's just a friend gosh
tell them to stop cause it's annoying to you
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