Monday, May 10, 2010

Can everybody write an letter convincing my parents to let me have a leopard gecko?

Can somebody give me an convincing speech to send to my parents telling them to help me have and gecko. Im 13 years old and you can set the standards for me such as promising to care for it to the bes of my ability and stuff like that thanks a lot

please dont leave any thing negative because I will make sure they are good before sending thank youCan everybody write an letter convincing my parents to let me have a leopard gecko?
ok tell them they dont require really big tank they need a small heat lamp they like to be held and misted they eat crickets and diffrent worms they are cute and nice pets and my freind has two and he LOVES THEM so tell them they are good pets and love to be heldCan everybody write an letter convincing my parents to let me have a leopard gecko?
LET HIM HAVE A GECKO!!!!!!! please
My idea is for you to look up information on this and even go to library and find books and present your case that way and to prepare yourself as to what you need for its proper care. Also if there is a petsmart or petco near you go to reptile dept and ask the person working in that area any questions you may have. I would be impressed if my child prepared like this.
Leopard geckos are small, cute, and only cost money for the startup. Ongoing care is relatively inexpensive. They don't have to eat crickets (mine only eat worms), as adults they only need to be fed every 2-3 days and they only need an UTH (so you can go away on vacation). They don't require much space and are easy to handle.

If you present your parents with 1-2 pages showing that you have done your research, including how much you expect it to cost, as a parent I would be very impressed. Also suggest they go to a local reptile show so your parents can see and handle the baby, make it more a famly-purchase than a you-purchase and they'll be more likely to buy it for you. Or, offer to pay a portion of the cost - if they buy the tank you'll buy the lizard. It shows that you are taking this seriously and not just asking for money. Good luck!
Dear Mr and Mrs Parents of Darriente

A leopard gecko makes the Perfect pet!!!! Every child should be able to get on if they are willing to pay for it.

One leopard gecko can be house in a 5 gallon tank!

use cage carpet as bedding and make sure there is a UVB and heat bulb also provide a hide house feed babies 5-10 small crickets daily and adults 5-10 large crickets every other day

Mist once a week. provide water dish and hide house.I am 13 and i own many reptiles! Also put damp moss in hide house. keep it damp always

There would be NO new drama in your house they are sooooo easy to care for!

Price list

Leopard gecko $30

5 gallon tank $7

cage carpet $8

water dish $5

hide hut 3-20$

mister 1-10$

Total : $54-$80
Cool I'm 13 too. I've had my Leopard Gecko for 5 years. they're pretty easy to take care of. You can feed them crickets or mealworms as the main diet. Mealworms aren't actually like a worm, they're not slimey, they have a shell:鈥?/a> I prefer to use mealworms jsut because they're alot easier to use besides crickets. Mealworms you can hand feed them to the Gecko, which is fun since they take it real gentle or use tongs.Leopard Gecko hand feeding:鈥?/a>

If you don't want to hand feed them crickets/mealworms, you can just let the crickets run free around the cage and watch the Gecko go after them. But make sure you put a piece of fruit/veggie in the cage. If the crickets become hungry enough they may munch on the gecko. For mealworms you just need to buy a dish and throw some in.

Like this:鈥?/a>

Mealworms you put in the fridge when you're not feeding, You probably don't want worms in the fridge but it's really not as bad as it sounds. See they're in a sealed plastic cup and they'll NEVER escape because they go to sleep in the fridge. You need to put them in the fridge or they may die. Crickets and Mealworms are the main diet, you can use just one or switch every now and then. But you MUST calci-powder them. Leopard Geckos need alot so for crickets you open the bag sprinkle some in and shake the bag alittle, for mealworms just put some on them. If you don't want to do any of those ways you can just buy a dish and put some on that way the Gecko will lick some up when ever she/he needs some. You can also feed them waxworms as a treat, but it's really best not. They're full of fat and really not healthy to feed them. So I'd stay away from them. for baby Leopard Geckos(babies are the ones wit the stripes, Adults are spotted usually) you feed baby Leopard Geckos 5-10 crickets every day or 5 mealworms a day, for adults you feed then 7 mealworm or crickets every other day. Also have a water dish open for the gecko 24/7. Use bottled water for the Gecko, tap/sink water can get them sick.

Housing is very easy for one Leopard Gecko. All you need to buy is a 10 gallon tank(5$) and a 10 gallon tank lid(15$) as for substrate paper towels work best(1$) you need a hide box (2$) 2 dishes as one for caclium and one for water.(3$) Leopard Geckos need heat to help them get food down. Mainly on their belly. DO NOT GET A HEAT ROCK! This can kill or badly hurt the lizard. It has hot spots which burms them badly and it can sometiemes trhe rock over heats and you'll get a crispy lizard. Not Good. Heat lamps are OK. but the best heating is a heatmatt(30$) you also want a thermometer(5$) and a clean spray bottle(1$). this can go 50$-80$. It really does depind on were you live.


Remember to put the heatmatt on the outside the cage and on the bottom not inside the cage and one the bottom. You want the matt on the far right end of the tank or on the far left end of the cage. You want a cool side(70-75) and the warm side(80-95) That is the ground temp. the air temp should be the normal room temp. Also you need to put the water dish on the cool side and the hide box need to be in the middle of the cage.

Handling the lizard and choosing one: Leopard Geckos usually enjoy humans, they can rest on your shoulder or walk around your arm/hand. You want to pick up the Leopard Gecko by scooping it up. quickly and carefully slip your hand under the belly and left it up. Then use your other hand for support. NEVER pick up the Gecko by the tail. They really need that tail to store fat, if that breaks off it's really not good. since it takes a really long time to grow it back but it'll never look as good as the first tail. If you get a baby gecko the tail is isn't going to get fat right away, it takes some time. It'll usually start filling out when the Gecko changes the parterns. Stripes/bands to spots usually. if your getting an adult don't get one if it's not alert or has a skinny tail or gloop in it's eyes.

This how to choose one:鈥?/a>

Shedding: They eat there skin for viatmans. You should put in wet moss you buy inside the Leopard Geckos hide box when they start to get dull/milky color. After they shed you need to check there toes. if they didn't get off all the skin around their toes/claws/feet you need to take a damp Q-tip and gently roll off the skin, if you don't it can block the blood flow inside and the toe will go black and fall off. It doesn't grow back like the tail.

You shouldn't worry to much about getting sick or getting salmellela(Sorry I spelled that wrong) Just washing your before and after handling and that's it.

That's about all the info you need. Next time you go to the pet store you should pick up a book about Leopard Geckos incase.

Good-luck. Leopard Geckos make great pets.

PS some of sites I put down might be going into maintenance, so if it doesn't work try again later.
create a slide show on powerpoint covering every aspect of the animal, doing the research will make you a better care taker and show that your are serious about the commitment. I hope you do get one, it can benefit your responsibility alot.
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